
We grow our grapes on about eight of the 30 hectares of the property , divided in five different areas of production, each with a very special character that you will discover when drinking our wines.


Vigneto Brich Grafì

Grafì Vineyard

Brich Grafì Vineyard A landmark for the production of the selected barbera Brich Grafì. It is one of the best crus in the town of Moncucco (AT). These 2 south facing hectares are perfect for an optimal ripening of Barbera and Freisa grapes.


Freisa Stamiano

Stamiano Vineyard

Stamiano Vineyard. This 0,5 hectares stripe of terrain, in a sunny and wind-protected position, with its potassium and magnesium rich soil, permits a regular good ripening of this relatively young Freisa vineyard.


Vigneto Aprà

Aprà Vineyard

Aprà Vineyard. At an altitude of about 450 metres, it’s one of the highest vineyards in the Collina Torinese region. The 1,5 hectares of chalky soil give intense perfumes and an original aroma to the wines. The entire production of Bonarda and some of the Freisa comes from this vineyard.


Santa Maria Vineyard

Santa Maria Vineyard

It is situated at the entrance of the cinzano village, on a slope of about 0.7 hectares. The plant is recent (2015).
The optimal south exposition and the light and drained soil permit hte best ripening for the barbera grapes of his vineyard.

Vigneto d'la Pera a Cinzano

D’la Pera Vineyard

Vineyard of the Stone. Barbera grapes were planted in the ‘70s in this 0,7 hectares vineyard located on a hill just next to our cellar. The perfect match of terrain and plants provide a stable high quality production of strong full-body wines.


Bricco Montaldo Cinzano

Bricco Montaldo Vineyard

Bricco Montaldo Vineyard. With a surface of about 4 hectares and an east to west exposure, it will be the core of the grape production. Malvasia and Sauvignon grapes grow on the east side of the vineyard, while Barbera, Freisa and the famous Nebbiolo grapes grow on the south and west side.


Drag the mouse on the map to have informations on ours vineyards